I landed in advertising when philosophy, business, political science and embalming didn’t pan out. What happened was I moved to México where I wrote for a man named Nacho–like the cheese–out of Monterrey–like another cheese. Turns out I didn’t know much about advertising. Or copywriting for that matter. What happened next was portfolio school in Buenos Aires. Fast forward two hundred eighty three days and more cigarettes* than I care to remember later–

I now possessed a tangible item deeming me worthy of employment. Funny enough, I got offered just that–by a man, who either through divine intervention or mere coincidence, had also worked for Nacho (see previous paragraph).What happened next was I found myself lending my writing to some of the biggest brands and winning some important awards along the way. Fast forward 10 years, plus more years–

and we find ourselves here. I don’t know that there is a right way to do my job. All I know is that being humble, strategic and curious has worked for me. I am currently a freelance writer and and I’d be more than happy to chat about life, coffee, work or any other nonsense.

*I no longer smoke, turns out it’s still incredibly bad for you